DIY Anti-Monster Spray for Kids

Nightmares, monsters, scary sounds… there are no shortage of things causing kids angst at night. And now with the crazy YouTube Kids revelations where parents have found disturbing content embedded in what should be harmless kid shows, our little ones have even more to fear.

While we cut the cord on YouTube Kids and well… all kid shows on YouTube… my heart goes out to all the children and their families working hard to overcome invisible traumas.

With a few of our members and friends reaching out to us, we decided to share with you our favorite DIY Monster spray that is helping empower kids with the ability to vanquish those nightmare figures that pop in their minds when it is time to calm down and go to bed.

What you'll need:

** PLEASE NOTE ** Don't be fooled by clever marketing. Not all essential oils are created equally. Make sure you're not wasting your money on fake or altered essential oils (even if they're labeled as “pure essential oil”). Don't miss our explosive report outlining the dirty little secrets of the essential oil industry to ensure you're not wasting your money on brands of oils that legally mislead you through deceitful marketing practices.


Place a generous pinch of salt into your spray bottle. Add your essential oils. Gently swirl it around so the oils and salt dissolve into each other. Then fill the bottle halfway with witch hazel, and fill the rest of the way with distilled water.

Shake and spray.

Want More Linen Spray Ideas?

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With the Momo Challenge, and all the other harmful images and content spliced into YouTube Kids... children are being exposed to some pretty scary stuff that really shouldn't be allowed on any type of kids channel. How do you help children sleep again? By empowering them! Help your children take back their power and overcome their fear with this DIY monster spray.