11 Best Essential Oils to Support Your Third Eye Chakra

There are 11 essential oils that best serve and support your third eye chakra. Each chakra is an energy center that, just like any other area of your body, needs attention and support to maintain feeling balanced and fully functional. In this case, the third eye chakra is designed to help you through your verbal expression in speaking your highest truth.

The third eye chakra energy center is your source for focus, intuition, and seeing the big picture. We all have intuition, but may not always listen or heed its warnings. Focusing on opening and supporting your sixth chakra will help you hone in your intuitive abilities, which will best serve you in increasing your quality of life.

A balanced third eye chakra allows you to tap into your intuition, imagination, wisdom, and innate ability to think and make important decisions. It is the seat of vision and dreaming. Through this 6th chakra, you're able to clearly see your future, and experience memorable dreams.

The third eye chakra is located near the center of your head, between your eyebrows.

The color associated with the third eye chakra is Purple. 

One of my favorite ways to help keep our chakras in balance is using essential oils. Why? Chakras are essentially energy centers in your body, and essential oils carry specific energetic frequencies. When you look at your body on an energetic level, these frequencies tune in with each other to achieve an energetic balance.

The Best 11 essential oils to support your third eye chakra

The best 11 essential oils to support and balance your third eye chakra include:

** PLEASE NOTE ** Don't be fooled by clever marketing. Not all essential oils are created equally. Make sure you're not wasting your money on fake or altered essential oils (even if they're labeled as “pure essential oil”). Don't miss our explosive report outlining the dirty little secrets of the essential oil industry to ensure you're not wasting your money on brands of oils that legally mislead you through deceitful marketing practices.

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DIY Essential Oil Blends to Support Your Third Eye Chakra

  • 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Helichrysum Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Vetiver Essential Oil

  • 1 drop Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Marjoram Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Black Spruce Essential Oil
  • 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Looking for high quality essential oils? This is where I buy mine.

Non-DIY Essential Oil Blends for Your Third Eye Chakra

My favorite non-DIY essential oil blends to support your third eye chakra include:

If I had to choose just one, it would be Harmony. Harmony is the only essential oil blend I've found that is able to balance and support all the chakra energy points.

How to use essential oils for opening your third eye chakra

To use essential oils for your third eye chakra, you may diffuse or dilute and apply your oils topically to your skin. I recommend applying over the back your neck, on the palms of your hands and on your fingertips, around your ears, over your chest, and/or very carefully between your eyebrows and on your forehead (you don't want the oils to get in your eyes).

I personally LOVE wearing diffuser necklaces and occasionally wear diffusing bracelets. You can find my favorite beautiful diffusing jewelry mentioned in our guide to diffusing jewelry.

While using your oils to help open your third eye chakra, take some time to meditate or focus on a few affirmations, such as:

I trust my intuition to see how the universe is guiding me.

It also helps to make the affirmation more personal by replacing “I” with your first name, or to speak it to yourself while making eye contact with your reflection.

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